My sister and I have a pretty unique relationship. We are actually cousins. My aunt adopted me when I was really young and so my cousin and I grew up together as sisters. We are pretty much the same age, only one month separates our birthdays. So yeah, pretty much twins. Mom even dressed us like twins often. Growing up with a sibling the same age was a blessing and a challenge. It was great to have someone to navigate puberty and the trials of figuring out who you are with, but it could also be a great challenge to figure all that out with someone else right next to you also fighting to figure all that stuff out with. But we are at a stage that I really love now, we are close and love one another more than each could ever explain. I know she is there for me no matter what. And as we move through life, I know that we will always have one another and that makes me feel incredibly secure, loved and truly blessed. She is one of my best friends in the whole world and I cherish every memory of our childhood and look forward to the milestones we will cross together! (Love you, seestar!)
Before I go - today is my 9 year anniversary!!!! I am thrilled! I've been telling everyone today, I'm shameless, I know! We spent all day together, nothing out of the ordinary, but it was bliss. I am more in love today that I have ever been. I am so blessed to have Chris in my life and hope our next 9 years are as exciting, loving and full of joy as the past 9 have been. I love you, Chris!