Saturday, July 17, 2010
Yummy Homemade Tortilla Soup
LaLa's Homemade Tortilla Soup
olive oil
chicken breasts
chicken stock (I usually use the boxed, free range/organic kind, which equals out to about six cups)
minced garlic
chopped calabacitas (yellow and green)
chopped tomatoes
chopped onion
chopped carrots
kidney beans
chopped hot green chile & green chile sauce (505 brand is the best!)
blue corn tortilla strips/chips
salt and pepper to taste
** quantities vary according to how many folks you'll serve (plus I'm pretty free form when it comes to quantities when cooking my own stuff, otherwise I follow recipes to a “t”)
How to:
1. Sauté the garlic in olive oil until lightly browned, add the chopped onions and sauté until translucent.
2. Add the carrots and calabacitas and cook until they begin to soften (roughly 7 mins)
3. Add the tomatoes and kidney beans, cook a bit longer (about 3-4 more minutes), stirring frequently
4. Add the chicken stock, water, green chile sauce and green chile. Cover and cook on low heat for 20 mins, stirring occasionally. The reason I used the green chile sauce was because: one, I love the flavor of the one 505 makes and two, I was feeling somewhat lazy and didn’t want to make my own slurry – which I sometimes muck up because I’m too impatient to let it develop before I add more to whatever soup I’m cooking. The sauce gave the soup the perfect consistency and it was super easy! I added some chopped hot green chile just add a bit more to the “heft” of the soup and some additional flavor.
5. Put in the fridge over night. Letting almost any soup sit over night really helps to develop the flavors, I've found. It never tastes quite as good as it does the next day, or the next.
6. When you’re ready to heat up the soup for dinner, prep your bowl by crushing some blue or yellow corn tortilla chips in the bottom of the bowl (you can fry/bake your own tortilla strips, but I was running out of time preparing for my guests). Top with a heaping portion of soup and lots and lots of cheese on top!
7. Enjoy with a Mexican beer!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Yummy Moroccan Vegetable Tajine
Moroccan Vegetable Tajine
1 ½ cups of chopped onions
3 garlic cloves
1/3 cup of olive oil
1 tsp dried thyme
3 cups cubed potatoes
1 cup chopped green beans
1 red bell pepper, chopped
2 cups cubed fresh tomatoes
3 cups of vegetable stock (I substitute chicken stock because it usually makes it taste so much better)
13 ounce can of (marinated - tastes better, trust me!) artichoke hearts
½ cup of pitted black olives, halved
Pinch of saffron
¼ cup of lemon juice
Salt and pepper to taste
2. Add the thyme, potatoes, green beans, bell pepper, and tomatoes on high heat for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally;
3. Add the stock and brine from the artichokes and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes until the veggies are tender;
4. Add black olives and artichoke hearts and cook for another 10 minutes;
5. Remove from heat, add salt and pepper to taste and the juice of half a lemon.
And, voila! I find that the best to enjoy the stew is to make it the night before, refrigerate it and then heat it up right before serving.
I love to serve this stew with a warm, fresh loaf of olive bread and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Noir.
*Thanks to Moosewood Cookbook for this kick ass recipe! And a special thanks to Big Al for gifting me with the cookbook years ago. I had just gotten back from a visit to the Bay Area and had eaten at Masawa on Haight Street and came home absolutely in love with Ethiopian food. After hearing me rant and rave, Alyson gave me the cookbook to encourage my new passion for cooking and for African food in general. Thanks, Big Al!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Presenting the 2009 Solstice Crew
I am moving back home this year, right smack dab in the middle of the winter holiday season, so I thought I'd get a jump on making some new additions to the Solstice Tree decorations.
Over the last couple of years, I have been making an effort to add some hand made decorations to the tree every year. And while posting this, I began to think of the very first Solstice Tree I ever put up in an apartment I lived in since being an adult living away from my mom... and remembered buying ornaments for a tree with my roommate, Jaime.

(Pic: Solstice Owl)
We were dirt poor, but both of us had a penchant for nostalgia and decided we'd find some ornaments and get a tree, that would dress up the basement apartment we lived in. We went to the dollar store and stocked up on Santa heads and glitter balls, etc. I still have the glitter balls and some of the Santa heads and they remind me of what it's like to be out on your own, trying to reconnect with those feelings of warmth, love and celebration that being with your family gives you, particularly during the holidays.
And what that then reminds me of is the kind of life I've led so far in my 33 years. During my childhood, we moved a lot because of my mom's job. I guess that sort of stuck when I struck out on my own, because I've lived in quite a few states and numerous apartments. And while the separation from those I love is really hard, particularly because they are now spread out across the country, I have come to realize that the greatest gift my mom has bestowed on me is the ability to find family wherever I am.

(Pic: Solstice Puss)
(Pic: Solstice Ristra)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Crafting for the Climate!
People in 181 countries are coming together for the most widespread day of environmental action in the planet's history. At over 5,200 events around the world, people gathered to call for strong action and bold leadership on the climate crisis.
For all those haters out there who claim that climate change is a hoax, a lie perpetrated by liberal radicals, I have a question for you - even if climate change isn't due entirely to human impact, what would it hurt to use less energy? To buy food and other goods locally to reduce our carbon footprint and rise in rates of asthma of communities that live near our transportation channels? To give some more thought to development projects that harm ecosystems and the biodiversity that makes life on this planet such that it is today? To continue to harness the innovative human spirit to develop cleaner, smarter technologies? What would any of that harm? Why are you so afraid of moving forward?
I'm personally working to increase awareness and reduce our impact on the planet, not because I believe in some naive notion of "simpler times," but because I believe that we can move forward in ways that will ensure that the absolute awesomeness of this planet is preserved. That we can do this while simultaneously evolving the way of life of all species in positive and profoundly meaningful ways. I am doing this for the children I will someday have. They need a safe place to live, and as their parent, I am going to work hard to ensure that's possible. I am doing this for the children of ally communities. I'm doing it because I care.
Check out for more information! Be active in your community, even if it's only in small ways. Every action has an impact. Make sure yours is positive and life affirming!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Love Birds and Upcycled Sweater
Love Birds for Sarah and Stan's wedding, 9/26/09
After completing the embroidery, I custom-made the inside mat with some beautiful card stock I have, then added the red mat and framed it. I normally don't put glass over my work because I enjoy the depth and dimension not putting art behind glass adds. But artist canvas gets dirty so easily, I decided to use the glass to protect the surface for a longer period of time. I think it turned out very well!
Upcycled Angora Sweater for Weezie's Birthday, 10/8/09
I love crafting! Especially, for my friends. Simply put, it makes me so happy!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Fall Blossoms
Wanna show-and-tell you about a quick and easy project I did last weekend, Wool Flower Pins.
All you need to do this super easy project is:
- beautiful buttons (I used some sorta pricey buttons I bought from Britex Fabrics in SF ages ago but never used; they are stained wood); it helps if the buttons have a shape reminiscent of petals, but not necessary.
- wool yarn
- crochet needle, size 5.50 for chunkier stitches
- felt
- needle and thread of similar color to your wool yarn
- glue gun
- pin
Here's how to make them:
2. Using your needle and thread, start to layer your crocheted stitch on top of itself and sew together; you can either go in a circle as I've done with one of the periwinkle flower pins, or you can do a more chaotic, random layering as I've done with the other two pictured above; make sure you end the layering by threading the end of the chain stitch down through the middle of the flower, so that you end up with the two extra ends hanging below your flower, next to one another (sort of like the stems of the flower).
4. Heat up your glue gun. In the meantime, cut a piece of felt that will cover the yarn knot on the back of the button, but not extend beyond the edge of the button. Additionally, cut out a small heart or other shape to glue over the pin backing; I do this so that it's prettier on the back of the pin and you don't have to see ugly glue poking through the holes on the pin.
6. Let your pin dry for about 12 hours to ensure that it's definitely secure. And enjoy!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thread Painting on Card Stock
For a while now I have been interested in embroidering on things other than fabric, so I took a short adventure into the world of thread painting (aka embroidery) on paper. Turned out great, but I don't think overall I love this medium for my art. I prefer something with a little give, with some more texture and flexibility when it comes to mounting/displaying it. But here are a few things I created with card stock and embroidery thread, and other things....
I love this Father's Day card I made for my papi this year. The image is hand drawn by me and the binding for the card is a twig I found while walking through the lovely neighborhood I work in down near Berkeley's 4th Street area.
This second image is a card I made for my Grandma Dot (full image and close up). Her 86th birthday was this year and she is still spunky, beautiful and full of life! The image is also hand drawn by me.
Finally, this is a very special gift I made for one of my favorite redheads, Sarah O. I love her so much, we've been friends for so long and I thought I'd try something new as a birthday gift this year. The image is hand drawn by me, on card stock. The frame is stained and adorned with twigs from a deconstructed wreath I bought at the craft store a while ago. I also tried something new, by coloring in the some of the "white space" with colored pencils, which I thought added a little bit more substance to the image. I finished it with a hand carved message on the frame.
Even though the paper was fun and although I don't love using it, what I did enjoy through the experience of doing these three projects was the exploration of making something with so many different variables. I liked mixing up the elements, making it 3D and including natural elements. I've since moved on to embroidering on artist's canvas and it is my favorite medium by far. A little sneak peak of a project I'm working on right now...