People in 181 countries are coming together for the most widespread day of environmental action in the planet's history. At over 5,200 events around the world, people gathered to call for strong action and bold leadership on the climate crisis.
For all those haters out there who claim that climate change is a hoax, a lie perpetrated by liberal radicals, I have a question for you - even if climate change isn't due entirely to human impact, what would it hurt to use less energy? To buy food and other goods locally to reduce our carbon footprint and rise in rates of asthma of communities that live near our transportation channels? To give some more thought to development projects that harm ecosystems and the biodiversity that makes life on this planet such that it is today? To continue to harness the innovative human spirit to develop cleaner, smarter technologies? What would any of that harm? Why are you so afraid of moving forward?
I'm personally working to increase awareness and reduce our impact on the planet, not because I believe in some naive notion of "simpler times," but because I believe that we can move forward in ways that will ensure that the absolute awesomeness of this planet is preserved. That we can do this while simultaneously evolving the way of life of all species in positive and profoundly meaningful ways. I am doing this for the children I will someday have. They need a safe place to live, and as their parent, I am going to work hard to ensure that's possible. I am doing this for the children of ally communities. I'm doing it because I care.
Check out for more information! Be active in your community, even if it's only in small ways. Every action has an impact. Make sure yours is positive and life affirming!
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