SHOW YOU: Love Birds Thread Painting & Upcycled Angora SweaterLove Birds for Sarah and Stan's wedding, 9/26/09
I've known Sarah and Stan for about four years now, befriending them when we all worked together at Rainforest Action Network. They weren't together when we all first met, but soon realized they were a match made in heaven, and now they're married! I thought I'd continue my exploration of thread painting on artist canvas. I found both of the elements separately (birds and branch), but used a light box to trace them onto the artist canvas (you can buy sheets of it in a notebook from the art store, super cheap!) with pencil. Reflecting back, I will probably use colored pencil to trace the next image I use because the pencil smudged really easily, although it was nice to be able to erase a line if I wanted to change it mid-embroidering. Something to think about...
After completing the embroidery, I custom-made the inside mat with some beautiful card stock I have, then added the red mat and framed it. I normally don't put glass over my work because I enjoy the depth and dimension not putting art behind glass adds. But artist canvas gets dirty so easily, I decided to use the glass to protect the surface for a longer period of time. I think it turned out very well!
Upcycled Angora Sweater for Weezie's Birthday, 10/8/09
I've known Weezie since we were in high school at Cibola in Albuquerque. I love her so very much and count her as one of my best friends. She is one of those rare friends, that love and encourages you to be exactly who are, no apologies. I appreciate and love her friendship and count it as one of the core blessings of my life.

So for her birthday this year, I decided to upcycle an amazing thrift store find, an angora sweater in a beautiful soft grey. I'd unintentionally felted (accidentally put it into the washer, without even thinking!?!) it on the first wash. Instead of throwing it away, I used the neck of the turtleneck for a neck warmer project I did about a year ago. Then, I decided to upcycle the sweater's main body. I used a blanket stitch to frame the sweater's opening and neck. This was an easy and quick project and I love it. Even though it shrunk during the accidental felting, Louisa has a small frame, so it fits her like a glove and it's still so incredibly soft - perfect!!!
I love crafting! Especially, for my friends. Simply put, it makes me so happy!!
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