So with my surge of energy for crafting back in full swing (wow, I feel more like me again, amazing!) I did a tiny bit of shopping on Haight Street last weekend and picked up a few supplies I knew I needed, but also found some new treasures. I picked up two books and an embroidery stitch guide. One of the books is by Aranzi Aronzo books called
The Cute Book. It's really.... cute! And it's got great ideas for making little felt mascots. It's great because of all of my experience with making felt pins; I never thought to make the things I did into 3D creations and since getting this book my brain's been brewing some new ideas beyond what's in the book. I've already tried my hand at one of their ideas, the squirrel, and then I re-made one of my old favorites into a mascot, the blue whale. I love them!If you have any suggestions, you should pass them along!
I also saw in another book (which I didn't buy this time) the idea of putting small embroidered designs onto buttons. So, I gave that project a whirl too. I don't know how I feel about them.... they are cute, but there's something missing with these. I'll have to think more on them to give them that extra "something" that will make them too cute!

This weekend, I'm looking forward to going to Ikea to get a few things to make my crafty corner a bit more easy to deal with, settling in to learn some new embroidery stitches, crafty up a sweater I bought the other day and make an apron! Putting that all out there makes me so glad it's Friday! Just one day closer to heaven!
Remember, send me your ideas for mascots! I want to hear your thoughts!
Mary Jane Pithy Hat
Here's a link to my brainless project right now. I usually have a difficult one and then an easy one that I can work on while I watch cable. I'm kind of in love with how it's turning out and have since been forcing the pattern onto everyone I know who might use it.
Do you have a seller account on Etsy?
Nice! I have always wanted to conquer the knitted hat! But have yet to build up the courage. I love this one though. And, no, I don't have an Etsy account just yet. A lot of my stuff has been for loved ones and not so much made for mass producing and selling. But I love doing custom orders. You have to put some pics up of your stuff, Krissy. I want to see the lovely little things I know you've made for Aidan!
what a cute little whale!
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