I wanted to share my latest endeavor, an embroidered jacket. I bought a very plain, blindingly white used Forever 21 jacket at Crossroads Trading Co. on Haight Street the other day and thought there must be the perfect embroidery pattern out there waiting to embellish and perk up this blase jacket. All I have to say is believe in the cliche "Ask and you shall receive!" because a couple of days later I received an email from my favorite embroidery queen, Jenny Hart at Sublime Stitching, announcing the arrival of new patterns, including an artist series featuring Kurt Halsey. I was instantly enamored for a couple of reasons: 1. his art is kick ass and cute, and 2. he is a dude! I love chicks but am so excited to see a male presence in the predominantly femme world of craft (although his art is not exclusively made for crafting, I love that he is lending his talents to the craft world).
So check it out! I love it and can't wait to wear it tomorrow!
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